Funding Options
Students can obtain a student line of credit (SLOC) through their bank. Once you have your confirmation of enrolment, you can contact you local branch to arrange the SLOC. Each financial institution will have their own criteria for approving such financing and acceptance into Pixel Blue College does not guarantee you will qualify for a LOC.
As Pixel Blue College is an Alberta Advanced Education Licensed school, you can use RRSP's or RESP's to pay for your education. You can contact the broker or financial institution in which the investment resides, to find out the process to access the funds.
Government Student Aid
Student Aid Alberta can help you achieve your post-secondary education goals. Financial need should not be a barrier if you want to pursue a post-secondary education. The maximum amount offered in Government Student Loans is around $15,000.
View ManualThe Aboriginal Canada Portal
This interactive tool will help you find different types of funding available specifically for Aboriginal peoples in Canada.
Visit SiteRupertsland Institute
The Métis Training to Employment Program by Rupertsland Institute identifies and promotes actions that improve education, skills levels and employment opportunities for Métis people, and to manage and deliver programs that enable Métis individuals to pursue education, enhance their skill level, and to find productive and well-paying occupations and employment.
The only employment and training organization in the Edmonton, AB area dedicated to First Nations & Inuit people, Oteenow Employment and Training Society helps match workers to jobs in a wide-range of employment sectors.
Visit SiteContact Information
Student Funding & Finance
Shannon Greenland
Student Admissions
Julian Brezden
+1 (780) 756-3990